Site-specific Slurm info#

See also

For basic and advanced Slurm instructions, please see Running jobs in Slurm and Job scripts: Advanced topics.

For more specific information on Slurm use on the UAntwerp clusters, please see our site-specific Slurm info.

While the Running jobs in Slurm and Job scripts: Advanced topics pages provide basic and advanced information regarding Slurm, there are additional points to consider when using Slurm on Tier-2 clusters hosted at UAntwerpen.

Using accounts#

Since the introduction of the project account system in March 2024, users need to specify a valid project account for each job. This can be set using Slurm’s -A/--account option.

You can get a list of valid project accounts you are a member of using the myprojectaccounts command.

Requesting memory#

When requesting memory, keep in mind that no swap space is available in case your application runs out of memory. Swapping is disabled because the nodes don’t have drives suitable for the load caused by swapping and because swapping is extremely detrimental to performance.

Requesting nodes#

On UAntwerp clusters we ask to only use the -N/--nodes option to request (and use) full nodes.

We furthermore ask to abstain from the --nodes=<minimum number>-<maximum number> option without consulting us first and discussing why it would make sense for your job.

Requesting GPUs#

Users of the GPU compute nodes are expected to report back on their experiences. We are most interested in users who can also compare with running on regular nodes as we will use this information for future purchase decisions.

Given that modern clusters tend to be built with nodes with even 4 or 8 GPUs, we would also like to learn from those users who can use only a single GPU in a node what is restricting them to use multiple GPUs.

Starting jobs#

The GPU compute nodes are managed through a separate partition, so you will need to explicitly specify it when submitting your job. We also configured the GPU nodes as shared resources, so that two users could each get exclusive access to a single, dedicated GPU at the same time.

In total, three GPU partitions are available:



Available nodes



2 nodes with 4 NVIDIA Tesla A100 (Ampere) 40 GB SXM4


2 nodes with 2 AMD Instinct MI100 (Arcturus) 32 GB HBM2



2 nodes with 2 NVIDIA Tesla P100 (Pascal) 16 GB HBM2

To submit a job on a GPU compute node belonging to a certain partition and get a single GPU, use the sbatch command

sbatch -p <partition> --gpus-per-node=1 <jobscript>

or add the lines

#SBATCH -p <partition>
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=1

to your job script.

Using --gpus-per-node=2 would give you access to 2 GPU cards on a GPU compute node.

The defaults for the pascal_gpu nodes are set to --cpus-per-gpu=14 and walltime=1:00:00, so that with using only -p pascal_gpu --gpus=1 you would get a single GPU for 1 hour and all cores belonging to the CPU that is closest to that GPU. The Vaughan GPU nodes use a similar setup.

Note that the maximum wall time for GPU jobs is limited to 24 hours, without exception.

Monitoring GPU nodes#

Monitoring of CPU use by jobs running on the GPU nodes can be done in the same way as for regular compute nodes.

One useful command to monitor the use of the NVIDIA GPUs is nvidia-smi. It will show information on both GPUs in the GPU node, and among others lets you easily verify if the GPUs are used by the job. The AMD GPUs can be monitored similarly using the rocm-smi command.

Environment propagation#

Slurm jobs start in a clean environment which corresponds to your login environment, i.e. with only those additional variables that you defined in your ~/.bashrc file. Environment variables that happen to be set in the session from which you submit the job are not propagated to the job.

If needed you can modify this default behaviour with the --export option.

Example To pass an additional environment variable FOO with value bar, use --export=FOO=bar.


The default minimal environment for a job is HOME,USER,TERM,PATH=/bin:/sbin.

These variables are added to the export options automatically.