FAQs# General questions# How can I contact user support? What information should I provide when contacting user support? How do I acknowledge the VSC in publications? Dutch version English version What are standard terms used in HPC? Access to the infrastructure# I messed up my authentication keys, what can I do? How can I access from multiple computers? How can I access from abroad? Where can I store what kind of data? How much disk space am I using? How can I request more disk quota? Running jobs# Why doesn’t my job start? My jobs seem to run, but I don’t see any output or errors? How can I run many similar computations conveniently? Can I run workflows on an HPC cluster? Software# How do I run applications in parallel? What is parallelism anyway? How can I vectorize my code? How can I run my application with multiple threads? Can I run my application on multiple compute nodes? Can I run containers on the HPC systems? When should I use containers? How can I create a Singularity image? How can I run a Singularity image? Can I use singularity images in a job? Can I run parallel applications using a Singularity image? Can I run a service from a Singularity image? Tutorials and additional resources# VSC tutorials Site Tutorials Web tutorials PRACE LLNL - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA) NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications (USA) Interesting links Getting compute time in other centres Training programs in other centres EU initiatives Some grid efforts Some HPC centres in Europe