Orchestration Using Terraform#

HashiCorp Terraform https://www.terraform.io/ is an infrastructure as code tool (IaC). Users can deploy a data center infrastructure using a declarative configuration language known as HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), or using JSON. Terraform has some advantages over OpenStack Heat service. It is has a simple syntax, it can provision virtual infrastructures across multiple cloud providers (not only OpenStack) and it provides important features like network port forwarding rules (see floating-ip). Terraform is currently one of the most popular infrastructure automation tools available. VSC Cloud also provides some template examples that could be used to deploy virtual infrastructures within VSC Tier-1 Cloud in an automated way (hpcugent/openstack-templates).

Terraform client is available for different Operating Systems like Windows, Linux or macOS (https://www.terraform.io/downloads) but it is also available from UGent login node login.hpc.ugent.be.

Create application credentials for Terraform#

Terraform uses OpenStack application credentials to authenticate to VSC Cloud Tier-1 public API. It is a good practice to generate a new application credential just to be used with Terraformframework. The process is the same described in section application credentials.


Make sure you download the new application credential as yaml file instead of openRC.

At this point you should have a clouds.yaml text file with these lines:

# This is a clouds.yaml file, which can be used by OpenStack tools as a source
# of configuration on how to connect to a cloud. If this is your only cloud,
# just put this file in ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml and tools like
# python-openstackclient will just work with no further config. (You will need
# to add your password to the auth section)
# If you have more than one cloud account, add the cloud entry to the clouds
# section of your existing file and you can refer to them by name with
# OS_CLOUD=openstack or --os-cloud=openstack
      auth_url: https://cloud.vscentrum.be:13000
      application_credential_id: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      application_credential_secret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    region_name: "regionOne"
    interface: "public"
    identity_api_version: 3
    auth_type: "v3applicationcredential"

As the file comments state, you should copy the current clouds.yaml to your VSC login node $HOME login.hpc.ugent.be: ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml, or locally if you have installed Terraform in your own laptop or computer. Terraform will use this file to authenticate to OpenStack API automatically.

Getting Terraform examples#

You can connect to UGent login node login.hpc.ugent.be to use terraform. Login to the login node with your VSC account first:

If this is the first time using Terraform, download the VSC Terraform examples from github from hpcugent/openstack-templates:

git clone https://github.com/hpcugent/openstack-templates

Make sure you have ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml available from the login node (see previous section).


Do not share your application’s credential file clouds.yaml or put this file in a public place.

chmod 600 ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml

Terraform modules#


If you are not using the VSC login node, you need to make sure to:

  1. Install Terraform

  2. Install openstack client:

We’ve provided two examples of how to use the terraform modules.

Navigate to the environment directory first:

cd ~/openstack-templates/terraform/environment

Single VM(s)#

This module deploys one VM with a public IP address and can be configured with extra options Copy the single.tf.example code to the main.tf file like so:

cat single.tf.example >> main.tf

The file now contains the definition for one VM with several options you can customize:



Possible values


Sets the name of the virtual machine.



Sets the operating system image for the machine.

See Image list


Sets the machine flavor.

see Flavors list.


Installs nginx and exposes port 80.

true, false


Connects the vfm to the NFS network. Only set true if you requested access.

true, false


Connects the vfm to the VSC network. Only set true if you requested access.

true, false


Manually sets the size of the rootdisk, overriding the flavor settings


More advanced options are described further on.


Configures windows-specific behavior if true


Cluster of VMs#

You can also deploy a public VM and multiple private VMs (without a public IP) in one go by using the cluster template:

cat cluster.tf.example >> main.tf

The customization options are similar to the single vm template:



private count

How many private instances you want


The flavor for the public instances (and private instances by default)


The OS image for the public instances (and private instances by default)


The basename for the vms. Public instance will be called MyCluster-public and private instances MyCluster-private-x

Deploy Terraform templates#

If you have followed the previous steps now you can init and deploy your infrastucture to Tier-1 VSC cloud.

If you haven’t deployed any template yet, you need to initiate terraform:

Move to environment directory first:

cd ~/openstack-templates/terraform/environment

This command performs several different initialization steps in order to prepare the current working directory for use with Terraform:

terraform init

Now you can check and review your Terraform plan, from the same directory:

terraform plan

You will see a list of the resources required to deploy your infrastructure, Terraform also checks if there is any systax error in your templates. Your infrastructure is not deployed yet, review the plan and then just deploy it to VSC Tier-1 Cloud running:

terraform apply

Terraform will show your plan again and you will see this message:

Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only ’yes’ will be accepted to approve.
Enter a value:

Type yes and press enter and wait a few seconds or minutes. If everything is correct and if you have enough quota Terraform will show you a message after creating all the required resources.

Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


MyVM = "SSH: ssh -A -p 56315 [email protected]"


Usually the username (rocky/ubuntu/…) will be provided by terraform output. If you forget or are not sure what username to use, just connect with root and a message will appear telling you the correct user.

For a cluster it might look like this:



cluster = <<EOT
SSH: ssh -A -p 59619 rocky@

Note: SSH to main server first
 SSH: ssh -A rocky@
 SSH: ssh -A rocky@
 SSH: ssh -A rocky@



To access your private VMs you need to ssh to your public VM first, then ssh from your public vm to your private VMs.

Your cloud infrastructure is ready to be used.


If you forgot your VM’s details, just run terraform output If you make any changes to the template, just run terraform apply again.


It is important to keep a backup of your terraform directory, specially all the files within the environment directory: ~/openstack-templates/terraform/environment

Terraform generates several files in this directory to keep track of any change in your infrastructure. If for some reason you lost or remove these files you will not able to modify or change the current Terraform plan (only directly from OpenStack).


Do not remove or modify the port_something_ssh.json files. These keep track of the external ports used. Deleting them will break Terraform.

Making changes to module variables#

Adding NFS or Nginx#


If you enabled these options upon initial creation of the VM, you don’t have to do these steps

If you added NFS or Nginx after initial creation, you need to run a script on your VM to mount the NFS volume or install nginx, respectively.

First ssh to your instance. You can get the command with

terraform output

Then run the command you got from terraform. After connecting to your instance, run:

curl | sudo bash

Advanced variables#

There’s some extra variables you can configure:





the name of the ssh key you want to associate with the vm/cluster



A url to an ansible playbook that gets applied when nginx_enabled = true



The name VSC of the project you want to create the resurce in



Size of the NFS share if nfs_enabled=true


Single VM only#





Add a public IP if true



Add a public IP if true



A list of security group rules

map of objects (see Firewall )


A list of extra volumes

map of objects (see Volumes)

Cluster only#





Sets a different OS name for the private VMs

See Image list


Sets a different flavor for the private VMs

see Flavor list


enables nginx on the public instance



Connects the public vm to the VSC network. Only set true if you requested access



if you need large amounts of storage and don’t want to use an NFS share, you can instead attach an additional block-storage volume with the volumes variable (see volume.example). The size represents the volume size in gigabytes.


This variable will create and attach the volume as a regular disk, but it will not create a filesystem or mount it.

volumes = {
  vol1 = {
    size = 100

With the single VM module you can add open ports to the VM. These wont export ports to the internet by default. but it will allow other VMs to connect to that port. See the custom_secgroup.example file for an example. You can set expose = true for a particular port and terraform will select a random external port to forward to your chosen local port:

  custom_secgroup_rules = { 
    node_exporter = {
      port = 9100
      protocol = "tcp"
      remote_ip_prefix = ""
      expose   = true

Will output something like:

MyVM = <<EOT
SSH: ssh -A -p 51274 rocky@

node_exporter 9100 ->


Exposing ports to the internet is potentially dangerous. Make sure that the application you’re exporting is properly secured.

You can also modify and add more resources for the current templates. This task is out of the scope of this document, please refer to official Terraform documentation to add you own changes https://www.terraform.io/docs or ask to VSC Cloud admins via email at cloud@vscentrum.be.