Checkpointing framework#

What is checkpointing#

Checkpointing allows for running jobs that run for weeks or months. Each time a subjob is running out of requested wall time, a snapshot of the application memory (and much more) is taken and stored, after which a subsequent subjob will pick up the checkpoint and continue.

If the compute nodes have support for BLCR, checkpointing can be used.

How to use it#

Using checkpointing is very simple: just use csub instead of qsub to submit a job.

The csub command creates a wrapper around your job script, to take care of all the checkpointing stuff. In practice, you (usually) don’t need to adjust anything, except for the command used to submit your job. Checkpointing does not require any changes to the application you are running, and should support most software. There are a few corner cases however (see the BLCR Frequently Asked Questions).

The csub command#

Typically, a job script is submitting with checkpointing support enabled by running:

$ csub -s

One important caveat is that the job script (or the applications run in the script) should not create it’s own local temporary directories.

Also note that adding PBS directives (#PBS) in the job script is useless, as they will be ignored by csub. Controlling job parameters should be done via the csub command line.

Help on the various command line parameters supported by csub can be obtained using -h:

$ csub -h
   csub [opts] [-s jobscript]

       -h or --help               Display this message

       -s                         Name of jobscript used for job.
                                  Warning: The jobscript should not create it's own local temporary directories.

       -q                         Queue to submit job in [default: scheduler default queue]

       -t                         Array job specification (see -t in man qsub) [default: none]

       --pre                      Run prestage script (Current: copy local files) [default: no prestage]

       --post                     Run poststage script (Current: copy results to localdir/result.) [default: no poststage]

       --shared                   Run in shared directory (no pro/epilogue, shared checkpoint) [default: run in local dir]

       --no_mimic_pro_epi         Do not mimic prologue/epilogue scripts [default: mimic pro/epi (bug workaround)]

       --job_time=<string>        Specify wall time for job (format: <hours>:<minutes>:<seconds>s, e.g. 3:12:47) [default: 10h]

       --chkpt_time=<string>      Specify time for checkpointing a job (format: see --job_time) [default: 15m]

       --cleanup_after_restart    Specify whether checkpoint file and tarball should be cleaned up after a successful restart
                                  (NOT RECOMMENDED!) [default: no cleanup]

       --no_cleanup_chkpt         Don't clean up checkpoint stuff in $VSC_SCRATCH/chkpt after job completion [default: do cleanup]

       --resume=<string>          Try to resume a checkpointed job; argument should be unique name of job to resume [default: none]

       --chkpt_save_opt=<string>  Save option to use for cr_checkpoint (all|exe|none) [default: exe]

       --term_kill_mode           Kill checkpointed process with SIGTERM instead of SIGKILL after checkpointing [defailt: SIGKILL]

       --vmem=<string>            Specify amount of virtual memory required [default: none specified]\"

Below we discuss various command line parameters.

--pre and --post

The --pre and --post parameters steer whether local files are copied or not. The job submitted using csub is (by default) runs on the local storage provided by a particular compute node. Thus, no changes will be made to the files on the shared storage (e.g. $VSC_SCRATCH). If the job script needs (local) access to the files of the directory where csub is executed, --pre should be specified. This will copy all the files in the job script directory to the location where the job script will execute. If the output of the job that was run, or additional output files created by the job in it’s working directory are required, --post should be used. This will copy the entire job working directory to the location where csub was executed, in a directory named result.<jobname>. An alternative is to copy the interesting files to the shared storage at the end of the job script.


If the job needs to be run on the shared storage and not on the local storage of the workernode (for whatever reason), --shared should be specified. In this case, the job will be run in a subdirectory of $VSC_SCRATCH/chkpt. This will also disable the execution of the prologue and epilogue scripts, which prepare the job directory on the local storage.

--job_time and --chkpt_time

To specify the requested wall time per subjob, use the --job-time parameter. The default settings is 10 hours per subjob. Lowering this will result in more frequent checkpointing, and thus more subjobs. To specify the time that is reserved for checkpointing the job, use --chkpt_time. By default, this is set to 15 minutes which should be enough for most applications/jobs. Don’t change this unless you really need to. The total requested wall time per subjob is the sum of both job_time and chkpt_time. This should be taken into account when submitting to a specific job queue (e.g., queues which only support jobs of up to 1 hour).


The option --no_mimic_pro_epi disables the workaround currently implemented for a permissions problem when using actual Torque prologue/epilogue scripts. Don’t use this option unless you really know what you’re doing!

Support for csub#

  • Array jobs csub has support for checkpointing array jobs. Just specify \”-t <spec>" on the csub command line (see qsub for details).

  • MPI support The BLCR checkpointing mechanism behind csub has support for checkpointing MPI applications. However, checkpointing MPI applications is pretty much untested up until now. If you would like to use csub with your MPI applications, please contact user support.


If you would like to time how long the complete job executes, just prepend the main command in your job script with time, e.g.: time <command>. The real time will not make sense as it will also include the time passes between two checkpointed subjobs. However, the user time should give a good indication of the actual time it took to run your command, even if multiple checkpoints were performed.